Our Mission
The mission of the LACMA Health Equity Council is to foster an environment for LACMA which promotes the full health potential and well-being of every member of society, advocating for equity and justice for all.
Black, Latino and Pacific Islander residents of Los Angeles County have twice the mortality rate from COVID-19 than do white residents according to new data from the LA County Department of Public Health, a troubling reminder of the role racism and inequity play in healthcare every day.
The work of the new LACMA Health Equity Council will strive to promote the full health potential and well-being of every member of society and advocate for equity and justice for all. The long-term plan for the council is to educate members and the broader community and engage community organizations.
In doing so, LACMA will:
Advocate for the elimination of socioeconomic injustices that drive health inequities
Support the dismantling of policies and practices that uphold discriminatory systems adversely affecting our patients and communities
Lead the transformation of the local medical community towards anti-racism practice
Create a platform to support organizations and communities working to end to all forms of discrimination and oppression
Develop strategic collaborations with medical societies, other health professional organizations, community-based groups and advocates to achieve the goal of health equity
Meet the Health Equity Council
Dr. Diana Shiba
Co-Chair & LACMA President
Dr. Jerry Abraham
Dr. William King
Dr. Hector Flores
Dr. C Freeman
Dr. Sion Roy
Dr. Resa Caivano
Dr. Troy Elander
Dr. Valencia Walker